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The Wood Working Shop



Two day workshop -8 hrs.


$125 per person, 

4 person min., 8 max. 

( Friday and Saturdays only)

Registrations: (At least One week in advance)


Beginner Workshop



 Class 1- Introduction to wood and tools

Friday 10 am - 12 pm



Class 2 - Building project

Friday 2 pm - 4 pm



Class 3 - Building project

Saturday 10 am - 12 pm



Class 4 - Finishing techniques

Saturday 2 pm - 4 pm



Wood Projects





Small Bookcase

(Each workshop will feature one project)



Can substitute a wood shop class 

with a blacksmith class



Combination Projects



Coat rack with wrought iron hooks

Wall hat rack with wrought iron hooks





One day workshop -5 hrs.

$75 per person, 

4 person min., 8 max. 

( Fridays or Saturdays only)

Registrations: (At least Four days in advance)



Beginner class



 Class 1- Introduction to wood and tools,

and begin project.

Friday or Saturday 9:30 am - 12 pm



Class 2 - Building and finishing project.

Friday or Saturday 1:30 pm - 4 pm



Wood Projects





Small Bookcase

(Each workshop will feature one project)



Can substitute a wood shop class 

with a blacksmith class



Combination Projects


Coat rack with wrought iron hooks

Wall hat rack with wrought iron hooks





$30 per person, 

3 person min., 8 max. 

Over 5 participants, $25 per person



( Fridays or Saturdays only)

Registrations: (At least Four Days in advance)




Beginner Demonstrations




 Class 1- Introduction to wood and tools,

Demonstrate basic skills.

Open discussion, your topics.


Friday or Saturday

 9:30 am - 12 pm


1:30 pm - 4 pm



Advanced Demonstrations




 Class 1- Selecting woods and tools,

Demonstrate skills.

Open discussion, your topics.


Friday or Saturday

 9:30 am - 12 pm


1:30 pm - 4 pm




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